Figure 3 Citations

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2023,; Florida

Department of Education, 2022-2023 Funding for Schools Districts,; Texas; Texas Education Agency, Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2022, December 2021,; Arizona; Arizona Auditor General, School District Spending Analysis—Fiscal year 2022,

,State%20results,day%2Dto%2Dday%20operations. (2022).; Shannon Sheenae, Education

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Primer for State Fiscal Year 2023, GBPI, 27 July 2023,

budget-primer-for-state-fiscal-year-2023/.; The Center Square, Georgia schools get 45.1% of

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5fa1c552030f.html#:~:text=Of%20the%20total%20revenues%20flowing,year%2C%20according%20to%20the%20NEA.; Kentucky; Public Education in 19 Kentucky, Ballotpedia,; Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky Education Facts, 22 September 2022,; Mississippi; Pettus, Emily Wagster. Analysis: Watchdog group examines Mississippi school funding. Clarion Ledger, 6 June 2021, report-mississippi-spends-less-than-neighbors/7574166002/#.; Ulmer Sarah, Mississippi state budget to exceed $7.6 billion for new fiscal year, Magnolia Tribune, 3 April 2023,; Iowa ; Iowa K-12 Education Funding,; Oklahoma; Arundel Kara, Just say no: Oklahoma considers rejection of federal ed funding, K-12 Dive, 6 February 2023,,According%20to%20the%20National%20Center%20for%20Education%20Statistics%2C%20Oklahoma%20received,education%20revenues%20were%20%247.6%20billion.; Louisiana; House Committee of Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2021 Executive Budget Review Department of Education, 12 April 2023,

ppBudgetMeetings2023/FY%2024%20%20Department%20of%20Education.pdf.; Tennessee;

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_Finance_%20FY%202021.pdf?ver=2020-12-22-124746-737; Arkansas; A Citizens Guide to

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Virginia; Kirk, Sam, How much does West Virginia spend on education?, WBOY, 27 April 20

2022,; Fiscal year 2023 Budget Request, West Virginia Department of Education,; Utah; Federal Government Funding Policy,

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